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Aries Season/Full Moon in Libra 2024 // What to Expect Astrologically & Tarot Reading for the Full Moon

Mar 24, 2024

6 min read



As I write this, fiery Aries season is underway. Aries is a fire element sign and marks the beginning of the Zodiac as the first sign of the twelve in the Zodiac. The Full Moon will be in the air element sign of Libra from the 24th - 26th of March 2024. I will go more into depth about the 12 Zodiac signs in a separate post in the near future.

For now, this post covers what to expect this Aries season and some divination for you lovely blog post readers - a tarot reading for the Libra Full Moon. Scroll to the bottom to make sure you don't miss this free tarot reading for the Full Moon.

Aries Season

Aries Season ~ 21st March - 20th April ~ Fire sign

Aries Magickal Correspondences:

Glyph: The Ram

Colour: Red

Energy: Cardinal

Gemstone: Diamond

Flowers: Thistle, Honeysuckle, Red Poppy, Geranium

Aries season is the beginning of the zodiac wheel and astrological New Year at the Spring Equinox in the Northern Hemisphere, marking the beginning of the Spring season (or Autumn in the Southern Hemisphere.) This marks a period of initiation, new chapters, heightened awareness and potential emotional sensitivity. This Aries season will be enthusiastically charged and filled with blessings for us all by putting a Spring in our step, especially if you have natal Aries sun, moon or rising and/or cardinal signs prominent in your birth chart (the cardinal signs are Aries/Cancer/Libra/Capricorn.)

To make the most of your Aries season, it's all about spontaneity, passion, enthusiasm, creativity and most of all having fun! Focus on building confidence - Aries are well known for their confidence and this fun Spring season can make that shine for us all. Saying affirmations, listening to a mantra, smiling at yourself in your reflection in a mirror, dressing up nice, physical self-care are all good ways to build your confidence. Make sure to have fun with it, be light-hearted and do what makes you feel 100% (or as close to 100% as you are capable of working towards at present!)

Aries being a fire sign means tempers might flare up this season, but stay cool out there and don't fight fire with fire. Diffusing situations is the best solution, escalating triggering situations only makes things worse. So, walk away when you need to, take a while to cool off, and apologize later... if you later realize "oh yeah, it was me at fault here I ought to say I'm sorry to [that person]!" Otherwise remember you are in control of your own life and mind, don't let any annoying people live rent-free in your head

Below is a Tarot Reading for each Zodiac element, find your sun/moon/rising sign below and read what's in store for you this full moon!

Libra Full Moon Tarot Reading 24th-26th March 2024

Fire Signs - Aries/Leo/Sagittarius

Temperance // Judgement // Queen of Swords

The cards I drew for the Fire signs for the Full Moon in Libra were XIV Temperance, XX Judgement & the Queen of Swords. First of all, these cards bring a reminder to you and a divine wake-up call, a karmic lesson of some kind for being honest with yourself & others and standing in your truth.

Temperance talks of balance, moderation and transmutation, this card tells you that you can turn your pain into beauty through creative and/or physical expression. Dance, play, sing, write poetry, paint murals, whatever tickles your pickle, try to make time to get out of your head and into your body. Any frustrations can be redirected and channelled into other, more helpful activities.

Queen of Swords reminds you to be direct in your communication with others, the Queen of Swords speaks up for herself and stands up for what she believes in. This can represent a woman in your life like this, or this can represent your own energy (regardless of gender, the Queens in tarot represent the feminine energies present within us all.) The Queen of Swords also points towards tapping into your innate wisdom, critical thinking and planning abilities to make the most of this full moon in Libra.

Pay attention to any signs you're getting repeatedly as these signs hold clues to where your attention ought to be focused, and what the potential outcome is for your highest values. The Divine is talking to you, but are you willing to listen? Do you need to cut down on some unhealthy behaviours? Do you have a healthy work/life balance? These are questions which come to mind with the cards drawn for this Full Moon.

Earth Signs - Taurus/Virgo/Capricorn

Knight of Pentacles // The Emperor // Nine of Pentacles

Knight of Pentacles talks of sowing what you reap, steadily making progress on your goals and planning ahead strategically. This is backed up with the Emperor card, who represents radiating confidence, strategic and logical planning and working hard on your goals/projects. If you didn't already have a list of goals for the year, this Full Moon is a good time to make a "bucket list" for the year ahead, especially with the sun recently entering Aries, it looks like a good time to refresh your inspiration for goal-setting and setting tangible aims for yourself to work towards achieving this season and beyond.

Nine of Pentacles reminds you to look on the bright side, count your blessings, embrace gratitude and work with the resources you've got around you at this time. Coupled with the Knight of Swords, this is an auspicious time to work on your personal goals, make sure to work methodically and be practical about what you can achieve in 24 hours. Build time for rest into your schedule, enjoy the fruits of your labour.

The Emperor takes charge and works hard, initiative is what Aries season is all about and The Emperor card in tarot is associated with the sign Aries traditionally. So, take initiative on any projects that are already underway for you because this can lead to a transformation, especially financially and in terms of useful resources to tap into. Plan ahead and get professional affairs in order. Doing what you love to do can bring great rewards, consistency is key.

Air Signs - Gemini/Libra/Aquarius

Knight of Wands // Three of Cups // Ten of Cups

This Full Moon will be overflowing with joy, passion and happiness with these cards for you Air signs! Knight of Wands brings in new and exciting ideas, energy and inspiration. Don't be surprised if you feel more energetic and stimulated from your environment. Three of Cups and Ten of Cups talk of spending quality time with loved ones, be that friends or family. Gather your peeps close, organize a lush banquet, and make lasting memories with your chosen people - welcome them in with open arms.

If you get spontaneous inspiration in the coming days, it's a good idea to follow through on it. Tap into your intuition by following the options that make you feel at ease with yourself and the world around you. Whole-hearted fun and joy is on the cards for you this full moon, air signs, enjoy it and make the most of this pleasant time. Celebrating with friends and family, or even celebrating by yourself is a good way to make the most of this energy. Even if you don't feel social, you may surprise yourself or receive a random offer to go out and do something - take any chance you get because it's bound to be a whole awesome vibe.

Emotional fulfilment is something Ten of Cups often represents, so make sure to fill your own cup before you start filling others. Self-care, staying hydrated, and taking care of the basics must not be overlooked throughout all these fun plans. You might find you are flowing with ideas and inspiration this Full Moon, act on the ideas which will bring you the most joy and inspiration.

Water Signs - Cancer/Scorpio/Pisces

Queen of Cups // Five of Pentacles // Six of Wands

Queen of Cups typically represents a water sign woman, so it's apt that this card was drawn first for the Water signs. The Queen of Cups is emotionally intelligent, highly intuitive, creatively talented, and sensitive to other's needs and emotions. Tap into these qualities to move into better times. This Full Moon might feel a bit rough for the water signs, with the Five of Pentacles present here. Five of Pentacles symbolizes moving on into better times, taking sanctuary in a safe place - so this Full Moon try and make your room a sanctuary, a safe, cosy place to spend time.

Six of Wands tells you that you are about to be recognized for your efforts, the battle is over and you are about to experience the victory and success you've been working towards. Coupled with the other two cards, look for the light in your life - turn your hand to some creative activities if you're feeling overloaded and give yourself a break. It's okay to let yourself experience emotion, if you need to cry/shout/sing let it out. Better out than in as Shrek would say...

The battle is nearly over, give yourself permission to have a break, in whatever form that takes for you. Celebrate and cherish the good times with your loved ones. The Queen of Cups is a nurturing, mothering energy, so surround yourself with this type of caring energy. Self-care is of the utmost importance for you this Full Moon in Libra.

Mar 24, 2024

6 min read



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